The order of execution |
Name step |
Description step |
1. | Get Profile | Applications filed at the headquarters ofdiplomatic missions, consular offices ofVietnam in foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as representative offices). Time and result records: the working dayprescribed by the Agency representatives(except for holidays, holidays under the provisions of the host country and theholidays, New Year’s Day as prescribed byVietnam ). |
2. | Consideringsettlement | Agency representatives receive dossiers,consider and resolve. | |
3 | Returns results | Get live results at the headquarters of theagency in accordance with receipt records. |
Ingredients Profile |
| Ingredients Profile | |
1. | 01 declaration form 01 / immigration issuance of diplomatic passports, official passports. | ||
2. | 03 identical photographs, size 4x6cm, taken on a light background,with straight eyes and bare head, no colored glasses, plain clothes,taking no more than 01 years, including 01 photos and 02 affixed to the application form attached photo. | ||
3 | 01 copies of documents sent abroad under the provisions of Article 4of Circular No. 02/2013 / TT–BNG dated 25/06/2013 of the Ministry ofForeign Affairs, guiding the granting, renewal, amendment and supplementation diplomatic, official passports and diplomatic levelsvisa applicants for cases referred to in paragraph 1, paragraph 3 and 4 of Article 16 of this Circular. | ||
4 | 01 copy of the decision or notification by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or management agency news agencies and newspapers ofVietnam state resident abroad about changing positions for the casereferred to in paragraph 2 of Article 16 Circular No. 02/2013 / TT–BNG dated 06/25/2013 of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, guiding the granting, renewal, amendment and supplement of diplomaticpassports, official passports and diplomatic level applicants visa | ||
5 | Diplomatic passports, official passports have been issued or reportedlost passport application certified by the authorities in the host country. | ||
Number of records | One (01) item. | ||
Form, declaration form |